prakasa yoga studio

cultivate radiance of being

Fire Ceremony

Join us for this ancient, uplifting ceremony of transformation, purification and renewal.

Fire Ceremonies have been used for centuries in diverse cultures around the world by people who understand that the sacred, healing energy of fire, combined with powerful intent, can create profound change, and purify the spirit, mind and body.

For our purposes, the Fire Ceremony will be used to create an opportunity to "release" or "invoke" a pertinent life issue or energy.

Join us for this ancient, uplifting ceremony of transformation, purification and renewal. Honor and celebrate yourself as you humbly and gratefully release the bonds of the past. Embrace the positive abundance of the new season or the new year. Boldly step further into your true nature with power and intention. Let your soul soar as you come to the gathering to experience the healing and ecstatic energies of fire. Allow it to help you see yourself and the world in a new light.

Drumming, rattling, dancing and singing to your heart's content are welcome...and highly encouraged.

There will be time for processing of intentions at the beginning of the evening. And time to bask in the healing energy and share your experience (if you like) at the end of the fire ceremony.

The length of fire ceremony will depend on how many people attend. The cost is $35/person. Please let us know if you need a partial work exchange.

Please read our fire ceremony preparation page before you come.

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