Join our spiritually conscious community for powerful sound healing events.
People are having ecstatic experiences at our monthly sound healings!!
Why not become one of them!!
"My recent sound bath was an energetic workout. I could feel my body respond to the crystal bowls, gong and chimes. I was able to put down some thoughts I'd carried for too long. I got home feeling lighter, happier and relaxed." - Hartley
"I felt a deep connection to my grandmother who passed when I was a child. During the sound healing, she showered me with love. It was extraordinary and I am grateful for the experience." - Ann
Listen Here: Sound-Healing-Sample.mp3
What is Sacred Sound Healing?
Sacred sound healing circles are powerful events designed to create a container space for you to set personal intentions, and experience personal and collective healing. The circles provide a safe atmosphere conducive to states of deep relaxation where pent up tension and stress dissolve and are replaced with a sense of renewal, peace, bliss. In a quiet state, your central nervous system resets as your body absorbs the healing tones and frequencies of multiple instruments including Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, Koshi chimes, rattles, drums, flute. These instrruments are tuned to 440HZ or 432Hz to draw you into a state of deep stillness and peace, where profound healing can occur.
Participants love to recline on a yoga mat in savasana or a restorative position, cocooned with blankets. Some participants sit to meditate on the sound waves. Either way, the position is up to you. We provide mats, blankets, bolsters, eye pillows and chairs. If you need more than two blankets, please bring them.
Specific harmonic frequencies and vibrations of sound are scientifically proven to heal the physical body, and repair human DNA. Harmonics will open one's Consciousness to higher realms, thus expanding one's understanding of reality. Alchemical experiences, such as visions, the presence of dearly departed loved ones, or beings/guides from other dimensions are not uncommon and provide additional benefit.
Sound Healing Circles will help you:
* Traverse the 'inner landscape' accessing personal wisdom and insight
* Uproot and release negatively charged emotions and stuck energy
* Reconnect to your innate God-Nature and Soul-Self
* Experience subtle states of awareness and the cohesive biofield
* Deep relax, unwind tension, dissolve stress, experience peace
How does sound healing work?
Pure Unlimited Consciousness manifests into creation through a process of "spanda" - the pulsation of Source Energy/Love/Light that vibrates through all time and space. Every form in the universe exists as a unique blend of expansive waves and condensed particles of energy. We experience spanda as the beating of our heart, the movement of our breath, and the movement of our thoughts.
When we think, speak, sing, or act, it is Consciousness itself that vibrates within our being. When we cultivate inner awareness and sensitivity, we more directly experience this energy as the pulsation of life (spanda). Depending on its quality sound can be destructive or regenerative. Modern research has proved that sound can damage or repair DNA. For example, heavy metal and rock music disrupt and unravel strands of DNA, while classical music and chants knit them back together. The difference between harming or healing is in frequency, resonance and vibration. During sound healings, specific tones (minor keys, sudden, unharrmonic) are used intentionally to dislodge blocked energy and clarify the biofield, whille soothing harmonic sounds nourish the subtle space within your being. Even if one does not understand how sound healing works, one will certainly experience that it does! In the same way that sounds of nature, like birdsong or a babbling brook, create a peaceful feeling inside, sound healing ulltimately soothes the nerves and nourishes the soul.
Join me each month, for a tapistry of healing sound - intuitively woven - to facilitate deep relaxation, clarity, insight and bliss, in the beautiful and peaceful Prakasa sanctuary. Release worldly stress, reconnect to Soul, reunite with the Creative Source to transform your inner state.
The vibrations clear stuck energy much like the way acupuncture opens meridians to restore flow. Then the frequencies fill the body-mind-soul with beauty, ease, joy and bliss.
Sacred sound is scientifically proven to sync the resonance of your brain and body and bring you into a cohesive state - Unity Consciousness. Sacred instruments include crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, tsing-daw bells, Native American drums and rattles, Peruvian overtone flute, Koshi chimes, symphonic gong and vocal tones that will draw you into the depths of your being...and into the beyond.
Your body, water, clear quartz crystals, and your voice are all programable!!
You can infuse each with an intention and they will hold and radiate that exact same energy into the world - whatever you desire.
Why pair them with singing bowls and other sacred instruments?
The frequencies and tones of the crystal singing bowls amplify the intentions you've made and placed in your body, the water, crystal or with your voice.
We begin by toning our voices with the singing bowls in order to experience our bodies as temples of sound and vibration. Ordinarily, we take sound in through our ears, but when we sing and tone we feel the vibration inside the body - a transformative experience.
Sometimes we begin with shamanic drumming to induce a trance-like state beyond the thinking mind. Other times we charge quartz crystals with potent intentions for ourselves and the world around us.
Everytine we drink the holy waters infused with our prayers and the tones of sacred sound.
Other times we begin with breathing exercises to ground us in our body and attune our awareness to the present moment and what is unfolding within us.